

- at the moment : 현재

- the most ever : 역대 최고치

- be active : 활동하다.

He is active in both Korea and America.

She is active in the broadcasting field.

- bench warmer : 대기 선수

- also-ran : 2군, 이류

- make contribution : 기여하다.

- respective : 각자의

- exploits : 활약

- be at an all-time high : 역대 최고치를 기록하다.

Global temperatures are at an all-time high.

Gold prices are at an all-time high.

His popularity is at an all-time high.

- slow-paced : 전개가 느린

- die-hard fan : 골수팬

I am a die-hard fan of coffee.

When did she become such a die-hard fan?

The concert was packed with die-hard fans.

- household name : 유명인

He is a household name in the field of chemistry.

The movie made him a household name.

He is not a household name yet.

- look forward to + 명사/동명사 : ~을 기대하다. 고대하다.

I'm looking forward to our date next week.

We are looking forward to the sequel.

I look forward to seeing you again.

- look back on : 회상하다.

- He hit it out of the park. 홈런을 쳤다. 크게 성공했다.


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