
- be a sucker for : ~의 유혹에 약하다.

- suck : 1) 빨다. 2) 형편없다. 3) 아첨하다.

- have ~ at hand : ~을 가까이 두다.

Do you have a pen at hand?

He always has his phone at hand.

- go through : 겪다. 사용하다.

- disposable cups : 일회용 컵

Do you want a disposable cup, or a mug?

Please recycle the disposable cups.

Disposable cups are made with paper or plastic.

- disposable : 처분할 수 있는

- take a little effort : 약간의 노력을 필요로 하다.

- be worth it : ~할 가치가 있다.

Raising a child is hard, but it's worth it.

The new mirror was expensive, but it was worth it.

- heat-retaining : 보온이 되는

- retain : 유지하다. 보유하다.

- ice-cold : 아주 차가운 (차가운 것을 강조 표현할 때 쓰임.)

- freezing cold : 한파를 표현할 때 쓰임.

- offer a discount : 할인을 제공하다.

- add up : 합해서 상당량이 되다.

Small efforts add up to big results.

Small fines can quickly add up.

Small donations add up to become a large amount.

- eco-friendly : 친환경적인

Convenient things are often not eco-friendly.

Riding bicycles is eco-friendly.

- wasteful : 낭비하는

- wherever one goes : ~가 어디를 가든

He is popular wherever he goes.

You'll find a wifi signal wherever you go.

- Good for you! 참 잘했다.


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