

- infrastructure : 인프라, 사회 기반 시설

- broadband connection : 광대역 인터넷 접속 (= high speed Internet)

It takes longer to download files without the broadband connection.

- commonplace : 흔한

- prep for : ~을 준비하다. ~에 대비하다.

You should prep for the test.

You need to spend at least several weeks to prep for the exam.

I need to prep for meeting.

- prep : 1) 자율학습 2) 준비하다.

- make use of : ~을 사용하다.

I have to make use of the bathroom.

They can make use of the books to study for the test.

May I make use of your phone?

- it doesn't end there : 거기서 끝나는 게 아니다.

- take online courses : 인터넷 강의를 수강하다.

- in-house : 사내의

- job seeker : 구직자

- pad one's resume : 이력서를 보충하다.

- a popular channel for : ~을 위한 인기 있는 수단

- on the go : 이동 중에

I had to eat breakfast on the go.

I like listening to music on the go.

She can put on her makeup on the go.

- niche market : 틈새 시장

He made money in a niche market.

It's an undiscovered niche market.

- niche : 1) 아주 편한 자리 2) 틈

- mainstream : 흔한, 주류

I don't like the mainstream Hollywood movies.

She only listens to mainstream pop music.

His music isn't very mainstream.

- I'm going to follow your lead. 네가 한대로 따라해 볼래.


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