

- mediocre : 보통의, 그저 그런, 평범한 (약간 negative한 느낌임. a little bit below average...)

The food was mediocre.

Don't be satisfied with a mediocre score.

- in advance : 미리

I studied the class material in advance.

I reserved our tickets in advance.

- refer to : ~을 참고하다.

- type in : 입력하다.

I type in what I'm searching for.

Type in your name and contact information.

Please type in your password.

- search result(s) : 검색 결과

- informative : 유익한

That lecture was very informative.

She recommended a very informative book.

- pricing information : 가격 정보

- personal take : 개인적인 의견

What's your take on this?

I want to hear your personal take on it.

What's your personal take on this matter?

- eatery : 음식점

We searched for a good eatery to get some dinner.

What's your favorite eatery around here?

Let's go out to eat at an eatery instead of cooking at home.

- operation hours : 영업 시간

- social media : 소셜 네트워크

- brag : 자랑하다.

- in the hopes that : ~라는 기대 하에

- benefit from : ~로부터 이득을 얻다.

- To each his own. : 누구나 취향은 서로 다르지.


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