
- sweltering : 무더운

- the mercury : 수은, 온도

- humidity : 습도

- out of the ordinary : 정상적이지 않은

This noise is out of the ordinary.

It is not out of the ordinary for the subway to be crowded at this hour.

Nothing seemed out of the ordinary.

- go over : ~을 초과하다.

- tropical night : 열대야

- next to impossible : 거의 불가능한

It will be next to impossible to get there on time.

He found it next to impossible to concentrate.

It is next to impossible to get lost here.

- toss and turn : 잠을 못자고 뒤척이다.

- reach a peak : 절정에 이르다.

The concert reached a peak when he sang that song.

The summer vacation season reaches a peak in late July.

The tension reached a peak.

- the dog days of summer : 복중, 삼복더위때

The dog days of summer are my least favorite part of the year.

We went on a vacation during the dog days of summer.

- opt for : ~을 택하다.

- beat the heat : 더위를 이기다.

Do you have any tips to beat the heat?

To beat the heat, we went on vacation.

- a favorite : 매우 인기 잇는 것

- a must : 필수인 것

- cold-like symptoms : 감기 증상

- be just around the corner : 다가오다. 코앞에 있다.

The store you mentioned is just around the corner.

Exam season is just around the corner.

- You look a bit off color. 너 몸이 좀 안 좋아 보여.


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